Northern California PSN Meeting Photos
Photos by Phil Giannini
Comments by Larry Cochrane

John Taber showing his poster that he displayed at the AGU meeting. Left to right; Bruce Kinney,
Pete Rowe, Jan Froom, George Harris, Ken Hurst, John Taber (standing) and the back of
my head.

Left to right; Sam Gasdik, Al Broth, Bruce Kinney, Pete Rowe and Ken Hurst.

Left to right; Al Broth, Bruce Kinney, Pete Rowe, Jan Froom, George Harris, Ken Hurst
and John Taber

Left to Right; Larry Cochrane, Gary Lindgren and Steve Hammond.

Ken Hurst looking at one of George Harris's sensors. Left to right; Pete Rowe, Bruce Kinnely,
Ken Hurst, Ken Navarre, John Taber and George Harris.

Pete Rowe looking at one of George's sensors. Left to right; Steve Hammond, Pete Rowe and
Al Broth.

John Taber, Sam Gasdik and Gary Lindgren looking at one of George's sensors.
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