WinSDR Version 4.x Documentation

Last Update: 02/21/2017

Download WinSDR Version 4.7.8b6: 32-Bit64-Bit or Windows XP

New! - OSOP Raspberry SHAKE Digitizer Support - WinSDR Version 4.7.8b9

New Features in Version 4.7.x

Running WinSDR on Linux Systems Using Wine

Running WinSDR and WinQuake on a Raspberry Pi Board


WinSDR Utility Programs:


WinSDR is a Windows and Linux based datalogger for the PSN-ADC-SERIAL/PSN-ADC-USB 16-Bit Analog to Digital Converter boards, the VolksMeter™ Sensor board and our new 24-Bit digitizers boards PSN-ACCEL and PSN-ADC24

WinSDR Version 4.7.x can be downloaded using the above links. The setup program will install all files needed to run WinSDR. Both 32 and 64 Bit versions are available. To run the 64 Bit version of WinSDR you must have a 64-Bit operating system like XP 64Bit, Vista 64Bit or Win 7 64Bit. 

The program has also been tested to run on Linux using Wine. From the Wine website; "Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD." The current beta version 4.7.2b and above should be used as some small changes to the program were needed to make it work correctly under the Linux operating system. See this page for more information on how to run WinSDR and WinQuake under Linux.

WinSDR produces PSN event files that can be viewed and analyzed using WinQuake. WinQuake can be downloaded from here.

Feature List:


PSN-ACCEL Strong Motion Sensor and PSN-ADC24 Digitizer Boards

Volksmeter Sensor:

Other Features

Note 1: Version I ADC boards can record up to 4 channels at 200 SPS. Version III Boards can record up to 4 channels at 500 SPS.
Note 2: Version I ADC boards do not support 57.6k baud  

WinSDR Setup:

Using a standard straight through RS-232 cable, connect one end to the 9 pin Comm port connector on the A/D board and the other end to a free Comm port on your Windows system.  Regarding Version I, II and III baud rates; Version II and III boards have a DIP switch that controls the baud rate.   See table below:

Version II Switch 1 Settings:

SW-3 SW-4 Rate
Off Off 9600
On Off 19200
Off On 38.4K*
On On 57.6K

Version III and PSN-ACCEL Switch 1 Settings:

SW-1 SW-2 Rate
Off Off 9600
On Off 19200
Off On 38.4K*
On On 57.6K

* = Default

The baud rate on Version I boards are changed using a command sent to the boards. So WinSDR must be communicating with the board at the correct baud rate before the baud rate can be changed. Version I boards are shipped with a default baud rate of 38.4K. 

Using WinSDR:

After starting WinSDR you many need to change the Comm port number. The default is Comm 1. You do this in the System Settings dialog box. To open this dialog box use the System/Settings menu items. Once you get things working and see a trace in the Real-time window, you can use this dialog box to change the sample rate, number of channels to record etc. Information about your sensor and station location should be entered for each channel using the Channel Settings dialog box. The Alarm Settings dialog box is used to control the system alarm and event triggering and the Display Settings dialog box is used to control the Real-time display window. Also in this dialog box the user should enter their local standard and daylight savings time abbreviations.

There are currently three windows in WinSDR. The main real-time display, single line display and the Replay window. You can save PSN event files from all three windows by using the mouse and double clicking at the beginning of an event, this will bring up a Save Event dialog box. When you click again at the end of the event you can then save the event file(s). The start and end times must be already saved to disk or you won't be able to select the time. WinSDR saves data every minute, so you won't be able to select a time near the end of the current trace in the mail real-time window. You can use the mouse to see the time of the trace on the status bar, both UTC and local time are displayed.

The Replay window and the Replay Control dialog box are used to create PSN event files using the daily record file data. To use the replay window, go to the File/Replay menu items. This will open the Replay Control dialog box and Replay window. You start the replay process by either opening one of the daily record files using the Open File button or placing a start time in the control dialog box. The Report button is used to seed the start time information using the systems clipboard and the report feature in WinQuake. Once you get a trace on the screen you can use the scroll bar to move around in the record file. You create event files using the same process as the main real-time window. 

Replay Data Editing and Stop Recording Data Features:

The Replay window can be used to zero out the data saved to the hard disk. This feature can be used to clean up your GIF images generated by WinSDR if your sensor records unwanted data. To use this feature, open the Replay window and display the data you want to clear out. You will need to adjust the number of lines and X-Scale so that the window displays just the data you want to zero out. To zero out the data use the File/Zero Data menu items.

The real-time data from the A/D board can also be zeroed out to prevent unwanted data showing up in the data saved to disk and your GIF images. This feature is activated by using the File / Stop Recording Data menu items. This will bring up the Data Control dialog box that is used to zero out the incoming data. When activated, the real-time window will continue to display the data from the A/D board but the data saved to disk will be zeroed out. To prevent this feature from being accidentally left on there is a 60 minute time limit. After 60 minutes WinSDR will close the Data Control dialog box and resume recording data.

Event File Data Field:

WinSDR now supports a new data field in the PSN Type 4 Format event file. The new information describes or breaks down the sensor/channel Sensitivity number in the fixed header section of the event file. The new sensor and channel information is stored in a SensorAmp AtoD structure. This structure has three floating point numbers:

This information is entered in the Channel Settings dialog box for each channel. If all three fields are entered, WinSDR will calculate the proper Sensitivity number based on the number of A/D bits and the information supplied in the three fields. The user should fill in as much information about the sensor channel as possible. If the sensor output voltage and / or Amplifier gain are unknown, the A/D input voltage should still be filled in. Doing so will allow WinSDR to display the input voltage on the status line rather then just A/D counts.

The status line display type (A/D counts, input voltage etc) is controlled using the View/Display Mode menu items. All display types will be disabled if you are displaying more then one channel on the real-time display.

Data Flow Through WinSDR:

WinSDR process the incoming data as follows:

* Volksmeter™ is a trademark of the RLL Instruments Division of Zoltech Corporation

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