Last Updated: 03/12/2012
As off Feb. 7th 2012 four events have been located using Earthwork with 5 stations. Currently EW is configured to try and locate an event if 4 stations are triggered in a short period of time. This is the minimum amount of stations needed to locate events using just the start of the P wave.
The first event was a M3.4 near Watsonville California at January 26 2012 02:20:19. Below is a GoogleEarth image showing the error between the USGS location reported from their automatic reporting system and our location. Our installation of Earthworm has two modules that try and locate events. One is the EQPROC module and the other is Hypoinverse 2000.
First Event
Here's the report from the USGS for this event:
CAT YEAR MO DA ORIG TIME LAT LONG DEP MAGNITUDE PDE-Q 2012 01 26 022019.50 36.93 -121.68 12 3.4 MLNCHere's information form the EQPROC module's log file for this event:
7 2012Jan26 220 19.60 36.9185 -121.7230 8.00 0.08 72.4112.5 190 5 COS SHZ PN 07 2012Jan26 220 32.48 P D0 72.4 0.00 LCGP2 SHZ PN 01 2012Jan26 220 33.42 P ?3 78.9 0.00 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan26 220 38.25 PnU3 112.8 0.04 B057 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan26 220 41.03 P D2 143.9 -1.15 B073 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan26 220 43.53 P ?2 154.5 0.00
Event Number 2
The second event, a small 2.2Md near Danville CA., was not located as well as the first event. Must be beginners luck. One reason for the increase in error is only 4 stations supplied trigger information to locate the event.
USGS Report for this event:
Date Time Lat Lon Depth Mag Magt ------------------------------------------------------------- 2012/01/31 06:56:39.72 37.8317 -122.0265 10.23 2.16 MdHypo2000 Report:
20120131 0656 40.38 37 44.51 122 6.78 8.73 E 2.11 4 198 15. 0.00 6.0 5.7 DW
EQPROC log file:
9 2012Jan31 656 39.73 37.7079 -122.1406 9.43 0.00 17.7 39.6 205 4 COS SHZ PN 07 2012Jan31 656 52.31 P U3 71.2 0.00 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan31 656 43.57 P U0 17.7 0.00 B057 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan31 656 49.19 P ?0 51.6 0.00 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Jan31 656 43.57 P U0 17.7 0.00This Google Earth image shows the location of the two events in relationship to the stations.
Event Number 3
A third event was located by Earthworm on Feb. 9th 2012. Here is the USGS report:
TIME LAT LONG MAG DEP LOCATION 2012/02/09 15:06:08 36.824 -121.552 M3.0 5.1 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of San Juan Bautista, CAHypo2000 summary for this event:
YEAR MO DA --ORIGIN-- --LAT N- --LON W-- DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ XMAG1 FMAG1 PMAG 2012-02-09 1506 9.08 36 46.89 121 32.34 9.46 0.00 2.72 2.97 2.82 2.82EEQPROC Summary:
12 2012Feb 9 1506 10.56 36.8880 -121.3289 8.00 0.02 69.1124.5 175 4 COS SHZ PN 07 2012Feb 9 1506 22.93 P U3 69.1 -0.00 B057 EHZ PB -- 2012Feb 9 1506 36.10 P D1 167.2 -0.00 B073 EHZ PB -- 2012Feb 9 1506 31.25 P U1 129.1 -0.00 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Feb 9 1506 31.25 P D3 132.6 -0.45Error Map
Event Number 4
USGS report:
TIME LAT LONG MAG DEP LOCATION 2012/02/16 02:09:14 38.077 -122.231 M3.5 9.3 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of Crockett, CAHypo2000 report:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YEAR MO DA --ORIGIN-- --LAT N- --LON W-- DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ XMAG1 FMAG1 PMAG 2012-02-16 0209 15.10 38 3.21 122 15.49 2.49 0.08 2.98 10.36 3.36 3.36E SOURCE STA NET COM L CR DIST AZM AN P/S WT SEC (TOBS -TCAL -DLY =RES) WT SR INFO CAL DUR-W-FMAG-T -AMP-U-PER-W-XMAG-T DE B054 PB EHZ -- A 22.1 166 91 PD 19.13 4.03 4.06 0.00 -0.03 1.60 W 0.999 0.00 85.0 3.41 E B057 PB EHZ -- A 27.1 264 91 PU 19.98 4.88 4.88 0.00 0.00 1.60 W 0.999 0.00 77.0 3.34 E LCGP2PN SHZ 01 A 61.8 178 90 P 3 26.03 10.93 10.51 0.00 0.42 0.40 W 0.999 0.00 56.0 3.14 E COS PN SHZ 07 A 98.6 127 90 PD 3 31.68 16.58 16.50 0.00 0.08 0.40 W 0.999 0.00 150 2 4.13 EEQPROC Summary:
16 2012Feb16 209 14.33 38.0678 -122.2472 2.50 0.01 23.5 53.6 228 4 LCGP2 SHZ PN 01 2012Feb16 209 26.03 P ?3 63.4 0.12 COS SHZ PN 07 2012Feb16 209 31.68 P D3 99.0 -0.00 B057 EHZ PB -- 2012Feb16 209 19.98 P U0 28.5 -0.00 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Feb16 209 19.13 P D0 23.4 -0.00Error Map
Station Location
Event Number 5
USGS report:
TIME LAT LONG MAG DEP LOCATION 2012/03/10 17:22:59 37.369 -122.139 M2.7 5.8 0 km ( 0 mi) SSW of Los Altos Hills, CAHypo2000 report:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ YEAR MO DA --ORIGIN-- --LAT N- --LON W-- DEPTH RMS ERH ERZ XMAG1 FMAG1 PMAG 2012-03-10 1722 59.37 37 18.57 122 12.95 17.97 0.00 2.46 1.25 2.66 2.66E SOURCE STA NET COM L CR DIST AZM AN P/S WT SEC (TOBS -TCAL -DLY =RES) WT SR INFO CAL DUR-W-FMAG-T -AMP-U-PER-W-XMAG-T DE ADUB1PN SHZ 01 A 22.0 108 127 PD 3 64.31 4.94 4.93 0.00 0.01 0.50 W 0.999 0.00 21.0 2.17 E B054 PB EHZ -- A 61.1 1 105 PU 70.12 10.75 10.75 0.00 0.00 2.00 W 0.999 0.00 31.0 2.68 E COS PN SHZ 07 A 77.7 73 101 PD 3 72.75 13.38 13.37 0.00 0.01 0.50 W 0.999 0.00 51.0 3.18 E B057 PB EHZ -- A 85.4 339 66 P 2 73.90 14.53 14.53 0.00 0.00 1.00 W 0.999 0.00 29.0 2.64 EEQPROC Summary:
18 2012Mar10 1722 59.76 37.3482 -122.1935 10.09 0.00 21.9 58.9 216 4 ADUB1 SHZ PN 01 2012Mar10 1723 4.31 P D3 21.9 0.01 COS SHZ PN 07 2012Mar10 1723 12.75 P D3 74.4 0.01 B054 EHZ PB -- 2012Mar10 1723 10.12 P U0 56.9 0.01 B057 EHZ PB -- 2012Mar10 1723 13.90 P ?2 82.3 0.01
Error Map
Station Location
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