Updated: 08/07/2020
New Email Alerts and Processed Reports
Earthquakes Located by Earthworm
New - Running Earthworm on a Raspberry Pi Board
Please read the following if you would like to supply data to the PSN Earthworm Network
Images updated every 5 minutes
If you are located in the San Francisco Bay Area and running WinSDR or a Raspberry Shake you can help the PSN Earthworm Network locate earthquakes better by sending in data from one of your sensor.
Here is a list of requirements:
- Located in the SF Bay Area preferably somewhere in the area of the map above
- You will need a full time DSL or Cable Internet connection
- The location of you sensor needs to be accurate. GoogleEarth or GPS should be used to get the latitude, longitude and height of your station
- A short-period vertical sensor like a 1 Hz or 4.5 Hz geophone is preferred but any sensor the can record the P wave of an event will work
- WinSDR needs to be configured to record data at 50 Samples Per Second or higher
If you meet the criteria above please contact me and I will send you information on how to configure WinSDR to send in your data to my Earthworm system.
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