Using SDR under Windows 95/98


Introduction: To run SDR under Windows 95/98 you will need to run in the DOS only mode. When you load Win95 or 98 you also load DOS 7.0. Normally when you start the system it comes up in the Windows environment. To get to the DOS only mode you need to Shutdown Win95/98. When you shutdown Win95/98 you will see an option in the dialog box to run the system in the DOS only mode. When you select is option the system will reboot and give you a DOS prompt. From there you can run SDR.
Configuring Win95 or 98 for DOS Only Bootup: If you want your system to boot up to the DOS only mode when the system is first started, do the following:

Edit a file called MSDOS.SYS. This file is located on the root directory C:\. This file is hidden and read only. You must first use the attrib command so you can edit the file. To do this, type the following command at the DOS prompt:

attrib -S -H -R msdos.sys

After doing this command you should be able to edit the file. Change the BootGUI under Options from a 1 to a 0 and save the file. Now when you reboot the system it should come up in the DOS only mode. If you want to start Win95/98, type WIN at the prompt.

After editing the msdos.sys file you should make the file read only and hidden again. To do this, type the follow command at the DOS prompt:

attrib +S +H +R msdos.sys

Running SDR on Large Disk Drives: Since 16 bit DOS programs like SDR can only access data on disk drives under 2 GB you MUST partition your disk drive, if it is larger then 2 GB, into smaller logical drives. This is normally done with the FDISK program that comes with DOS or Win95/98.
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Larry Cochrane -