Public Seismic Network event files are archived on the Redwood City PSN web site at You can use your Web browser, PSN Explorer or FTP program to download event files from this location. A list of recent event files uploaded to the PSN archive system can be viewed at
Archived event files can also be accessed using or This page allows you to search for an event file based on the year, month and optional day and station ID.
You can download event files using FTP by setting the host address to Use "anonymous" (without the quotes) as the User and your email address as the Password. After logging on, change to the \quakes directory by issuing the following command: "cd quakes". In this directory is a series of subdirectories based on the year and month of the event. Using the "cd" command, move to the desired directory. Example: "cd 9805". This will move you to the directory where all of the event files for 05/98 will be located. Before downloading an event file remember to issue the following command to place the download mode to binary: "bin". You can now download the event file. The FTP "dir" command can be used to display contents of a directory. Each year/month subdirectory contains a file called index.txt. This file can be viewed to see what events are contained in the directory.
The IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) system at maintains a database of all earthquakes over magnitude 5. To use this method, you must have access to Telnet and FTP. Telnet to and use "bulletin" as the User name and "board" for the password (without the quotes).
At this point you will need to fill out a questionnaire (this will only happen the first time you use their system). When you get to the main menu type "spy". When asked about X-Server, type a . (period), for no X Server. At the main Spyder menu type 1 (one) to select an event. If you just hit return you will get a list of current quakes. Select the number of the event you what and then go back to the main Spyder menu.
Then select menu 2 to get the a list of station that you can download seismograms of the event you selected. Then go back to the main Spyder menu and select 4. At this point you can enter the station names and file type. Like: *.lhz will select all vertical lh type stations. After selecting the stations the system will move the files to a download directory for you. Go back to the main menu and select 5 to download the files to your system. Select option 1 to FTP the files to you system. The DMC system will now connect to your system using FTP. Enter you account name and password. After logging in, REMEMBER TO TYPE "BIN". This will place the FTP program into the binary transfer mode. To transfer the files, type the command "mput *". After the files have been transferred to your system, type "bye" to exit FTP program and then select quit several times to logout of the DMC system.
The above process retrieves SAC Binary event files. SEED volumes can be downloaded from the system using FTP. After logging on using "anonymous" and your email address, move to the Farm data produces subdirectory. This directory is located in \pub\farm. There you will find a list of subdirectory listed by year, starting at 1977. Each of these subdirectories has a list of months. And under each month is a list of subdirectories based on the event time. After selecting the year, month and event directory you should find a file ending in *.seed. This is the file you want to download. This file can be several megabytes in size, so it may take a while to download using a 28k or 33k baud modem.
PEPP event files can be accessed from their Web site at: To download their event files, use the PEPP Earthquake Database link.
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