Advance Information


PSN Text Data Format:

WinQuake can read and write event files in a ASCII text format. Foating point numbers will be rounded to the nearest whole number as the data is read in. A typical event file saved in the PSN Text format looks like this.

! PSN ASCII Event File Format 1.0 <------ Must be on the first line
Start Time: 2000/01/12 11:33:45.0 <-------Must have this field
Number of Samples: 6100 <------------------Must have this field
SPS: 50.000000 <-----------------------------Must have this field
Comment: Ml~3.2 62km from Kona, Hi. 19 mi. N of Pahala
A/D Converter Bits:
Data Minimum: -1470.000000
Data Maximum: 1522.000000
! Sensor Information:
Sensor Location: Kona Hawaii
Sensor Latitude: 19.723000
Sensor Longitude: -155.991000
Sensor Orientation: Z
! Event Information:
Event Latitude: 19.480000
Event Longitude: -155.440000
Event Time: 2000/01/12 11:34:01.0
Event Magnitude: M 2.4
Event Depth: 6.7
! WinQuake Information:
Magnitude Correction: 0.0018
Mb Magnitude Correction: 0.002
Ms Period: 20.000000
Mb Period: 1.000000
Md Duration:
PS Pick Information: 256 333 188 214 49212
! SDR Information:
Lock Indicator:
-2 <------------- First Data Point

As you can see, the event file has two parts. The first is the header and then the data starting after the keyword Data:.  WinQuake does not need all of the fields to read in the event file. The file must have the first four lines and then the Data: keyword followed by the data.

MINISeed Files:

One of the formats that WinQuake can read are MINISEED (MS) files or dataset volumes. MS files contain very little information besides the actual sensor data, station ID and component (BHZ LHZ etc) ID. It is assumed that the user has additional information, like station location and sensor sensitivity, stored in a Dataless SEED volume file. When a user selects a MS file, WinQuake will look for a Dataless SEED (DS) volume (or a regular SEED volume) that can be used to supply more information about the data record. It does this using several file name formats and directories. First WinQuake looks for a DS or SEED file using these file name formats:

station_id.dataless_file_extension and station_id. component_id.dataless_file_extension

The file extension used for the DS search can be changed using the File / MINSEED Control / Default Dataless File Extension menu items. The default is "dataless". As an example, if a MS file contains the record for station HKT, component BHZ, and the default file extension is set to SEED, WinQuake will first look for a file called HKT.SEED. If this file is not found, or there is no data for the channel in the file, WinQuake will look for a file named HKT.BHZ.SEED.

WinQuake looks for the Dataless SEED volume (or standard SEED volume) in two directories using the two name formats above. First a user supplied directory is used, and if the file is not found, the directory containing the MS file is used. The user supplied directory can be specified using the File / MINISEED / Default Dataless Directory menu items.

The user can also add the additional station information from a DS or SEED file by using the File / MINISEED / Add Information menu items. This will open the standard Windows Open File dialog box. The user then uses this dialog box to supply a file that will be used to add or overwrite any station and channel information already loaded when the MS file is first opened. 

The WinQuake File Open dialog box and Event File Window display handle MS files differently depending on the contents of the file. If the MS file only contains one record, the Event File Window will be opened when the user selects the file. If the file contains 2 or 3 record, all with the same station ID, sample rate and start time, the MS file will be opened as a dataset volume record with all records being displayed in one window. If the MS file contains different stations, or more then 3 records, the Open File dialog box will display a list of records that can be viewed in an Event File Window. 

GSE2.0 Data Format:

WinQuake uses the keyword "BEGIN GSE2.0" to see if a file is in the GSE2.0 format. This keyword must be within the first 512 bytes of the file. WinQuake supports both single and multiple seismograms in one GSE2.0 file. If there is more than one seismogram in a file, it will be treated the same way as a PEPP or SEED volume dataset.

The text file STATIONS.GS2 must be in the same directory as the WinQuake program file (winqk32.exe). This file is used to lookup station latitude and longitude information.

Opening an Event File Using DDE:

WinQuake will open an event file when a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) Execute message is sent to program with the open command. The message format is:

Topic: System
Application: winquake
Open Message format: [open("FILE_TO_OPEN")]

The FILE_TO_OPEN must be the full path and file name of the event file. 

Local Data Directory:

Under the File menu items you will see a menu item called Local Data Directory... This is used when WinQuake is running on a network/file server setup. If the WinQuake exe file (winqk32.exe) is located on a server you can specify a local directory on the system that is running the program. Some of the data and config files (ending in *.dat) should be located on the local system rather then the server system.

The email.dat, phase.dat and replay.dat files should all be located on the local system. The other data and bin files should remain on the server system. If you are not running WinQuake on a server, this directory should be pointing to the location of the winqk32.exe file. This is the default setting.

New PSN Type 4 Header Information:

This version of WinQuake supports the new SensorAmpAtoD structure in the PSN Type 4 event file.. This information breaks down the Sensitivity of the event file field into three components. See this page for the PSN Type 4 format documentation: new structure contains the following information:

This information, if available in the event file, can be viewed, modified or added in the Sensor Information dialog box. 

In the Sensor Information dialog box you will see three edit fields, one for each field of the SensorAmpAtoD data structure and a Calc Sens button under the Sensitivity edit box. This button is used to calculate either the Sensitivity number based on the sensor Output Voltage, Amp Gain, A/D Input Voltage and number of A/D bits. If the Sensitivity number is known, and the Amp Gain and A/D Voltage are specified, WinQuake will calculate the sensor Output Voltage when the Calc Sens button is pressed. Note, the Sensitivity or Output Voltage edit box must be empty to calculate either number.

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