Main Control Dialog Box:
Event Window Dialog Boxes:
DFT/FFT (Frequency Spectrum) Window Dialog Boxes:
Main control dialog box for WinQuake. Used to open or delete event files, open the WinSDR / SDR Replay dialog box, change the working directory, or add event report information to the selected event file(s). You can also send the selected file(s) as an email message and convert files from the old PSN Type 3 format to the new Type 4 format.
Directory Text:
List Box:
Up / Down Control:
Open File Button:
Add Event Report Button:
Directory Button:
Search Button:
Opens the Search Dialog Box. Used to search for event files on your hard disk.
Send Email Message Button:
Convert Button:
Replay Button:
Remote Button:
Update / All Files Button:
Delete File Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
Only one SEED or PEPP volume set file can be opened. You will receive an error if you try to display the contents of more then one volume set or if you select an event file and a volume set file.
Used to add one or two more files or records to the current Event Window. This is used to display
the data from a two or three component sensor in one Event Window. When selected, the Add File dialog
box will be opened so that the user can select the file or files. Only event files that have the
same start time, sample count, sample rate and sensor type (displacement, velocity or accelerometer),
and different sensor I.D. or sensor name, can be added to the current Event Window.
Refer to Open File for description of controls.
This dialog box is used to change or create a new directory.
Directory Text:
Directory List Box:
Drives Select Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
New Button:
Save as Default Check Box:
This dialog box is used to create a new directory.
New Directory Path Edit Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to create and display an event file by using WinSDR or SDR (Seismic Data Recorder) Replay feature over a Local Area Network.
Start Time Month / Day / Year / Hour/ Minute Edit Boxes:
Start Time Select Box:
Event Report Button:
Event Time Button:
Event Report Time Text:
Length Edit Box:
Channel Select Box:
Compression Edit Box:
SDR 2.X Mode:
Save as Default Check Box:
Replay Button:
Settings Button:
Close Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to control the settings needed for the WinSDR or SDR Replay feature.
WinSDR / WinQuake Event File Directory Group
WinQuake Directory Text:
Change Button:
WinSDR Mapped Drive Edit Box:
WinSDR / WinQuake Request Channel Information Group
Channel Information List Box:
Add Button:
Edit Button:
Remove Button:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
This dialog box is used to add or modify WinSDR or SDR event file request channel information.
Event File Extension Edit Box:
System Number Edit Box:
WinQuake Request Directory Change Button:
WinSDR Mode:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to search for event files using filters like event magnitude, distance to the event etc. This dialog box is opened using the Search button in the main Open File dialog box. There are two ways of searching for event files. One is using a database file created using the Create Database File button or searching the actual directly and option sub-directories for event files. This method can take a very long time depending on the number of files WinQuake needs to open to see if it is a valid event file and that it matches the filter parameters. The directory searched is the directory selected by the Open File dialog box. Any sub-directories located in the root directory will be searched if the Sub-Directory check box is checked.
If you have a lot of event files on your system you can use the database file option to reduce the time needed to search of the files on your system. First you must create the database file using the Create Database File button. Use the next dialog box to select the root directory or drive letter containing your event files. WinQuake will then create the database file by looking for event files in the root directory and in any sub-directories. Note, the filter parameters are not used while looking for event files to add to the database file. The EVENTDB.DAT database file created by WinQuake is a standard ASCII text file that can be opened with any text editor. The file is located in the root WinQuake directory or folder.
Once you have a database file you can search for events using the filter parameters. To search the database file, check the Use Database File check box, enter any filter parameters and press the Search button. The maximum number of files returned by the search in either mode (direct search or database file) is control by the Max Files edit box. When the program completes the search, or if the maximum files has been reached, the Search dialog box will be closed and the Open File dialog box will display the search results. To redisplay the normal list of files either press the Update button, select another directory using the Directory button or the File menu directory list.
Additional Information:
The database file has the following format:
Number of event file records
Database version number
Root directory that was used to search for event files
Event file information
Each event file line has the following format. Comas are used to separate each field.
Directory and filename
Event file start date and time
Channel/Sensor ID
Component letter - N = N-S orientation sensor, E = E-W, Z = Vertical, ? = Unknown
Magnitude of the event or 0 if no event information is included in the event file
Station to event distance in km or 0 if no event information is included in the event file
Event depth in km or 0 if no event information is included in the event file
Carriage/Line Feed characters
Below is an example of the first five lines of a database file:
Notes:Records: 020253 Version: 1.0 Root: j:\quakes j:\quakes\0001\000102a.bhz.gumo.psn,01/02/2000 12:58:17,GUMO,Z,5.6,5489,33 j:\quakes\0001\000101a.gr2.psn,01/01/2000 01:20:23,GR2,Z,0,0,01: Currently there is no way of aborting a direct search or database file creation except to stop the WinQuake process using the Task Manager.
2: The database file can contain the same event file more then once if the file contains more then one event report.
This dialog box is used to send up to 4 event files, or SEED/PEPP data volume sets, in an E-Mail message. The files are sent as a MIME attachment. This feature can be used to send event files to the PSN Event Archive system at or
Send To Edit Box:
Input Example: , John Smith <>
SMTP Host Edit Box:
Input Example:
SMTP Authentication Button:
Your Real Name Edit Box:
Your E-Mail Address or POP Account Edit Box:
Input Example:
SMTP Host Edit Box:
Input Example:
Subject Edit Box:
Text Message Edit Box:
Attached Files Text:
Send Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to compensate for any DC offset in the dataset by applying an offset to the data displayed in an event window.
Current Edit Box:
Data Average Text:
Auto DC Offset Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to calculate the distance and azimuth between two points on the earth.
Event Latitude Edit Box:
Event Longitude Edit Box:
Station Latitude Edit Box:
Station Longitude Edit Box:
Calculate Button:
Close Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The latitude can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an N or S. A positive number, or the N character, represents the Northern Hemisphere and a negative number, or S character, the Southern. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DD:MM:SS.FFF).
The longitude can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an E or W. A positive number, or the E character, represents the Eastern Hemisphere and a negative number, or W character, the Western. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DDD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DDD:MM:SS.FFF).
This dialog box is used to modify or add event information to the event file. More then one event can be entered by using the New button.
Event Information Group:
Comment Edit Box:
Time Edit Box:
Latitude Edit Box:
Longitude Edit Box:
Magnitude Edit Boxes:
Depth Edit Box:
Agency Edit Box:
Event Type Select Box:
Quality Select Box:
Event Number Select Box:
New Button:
Delete Button:
Event Report Information Group:
Event Report Text Box:
Add Button:
Replace Button:
Make Button:
Modify Comment Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The latitude of the event can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an N or S. A positive number, or the N character, represents the Northern Hemisphere and a negative number, or S character, the Southern. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DD:MM:SS.FFF).
The longitude of the event can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an E or W. A positive number, or the E character, represents the Eastern Hemisphere and a negative number, or W character, the Western. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DDD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DDD:MM:SS.FFF).
Note: The Comment strings will not be saved if the event file is saved as an SAC Binary file.
This dialog box is used to add or modify information about the sensor used to record the event. Normally this information is add to the event file by the datalogger.
Latitude Edit Box:
Longitude Edit Box:
Elevation Edit Box:
Orientation Select Box:
Incident Edit Box:
Azimuth Edit Box:
Sensor Location Edit Box:
Sensor Description Edit Box:
Sensor Type Select Box:
Sensor ID:
Component Name:
Network Affiliation:
WinQuake Ml & Ms Correction:
A/D Bits Edit Box:
Datalogger Text:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The latitude of the sensor can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an N or S. A positive number, or the N character, represents the Northern Hemisphere and a negative number, or S character, the Southern. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DD:MM:SS.FFF).
The longitude of the sensor can be entered as a plus or minus number or end with an E or W. A positive number, or the E character, represents the Eastern Hemisphere and a negative number, or W character, the Western. The latitude can be entered in either degrees and a fraction of degree (DDD.FFF) or in degree, minute, second and fraction of a second (DDD:MM:SS.FFF).
The Sensor Sensitivity field number depends on the Sensor Output Type field. If the sensor output is acceleration, sensitivity is in cm/sec/sec per A/D bit, if the output is velocity cm/sec per bit and if the output is displacement in cm per bit. This web page can be used to calculate the sensitivity number if you know the output voltage level of your sensor.
This dialog box is used to adjust various time information in the event file. It can be used to adjust the start time, start time offset and the time reference information in the header section of the event file being displayed.
Adjust Start Time Button:
Start Time Offset Edit Box:
Time Reference Select Box:
Reference Status Select Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
The Magnitude Calculator dialog box can be used to calculate the following information:
Calculate display Ml, Ms and Mb magnitudes based on Peak Displacement and Event Distance
Calculate the magnitude based on the sensor Magnitude Correction factor and Peak A/D Counts
Calculate the Peak Displacement based on the event magnitude and station to event distance
Calculate the sensor Magnitude Correction number based on Peak A/D Counts and event magnitude
Sensor Information Group:
Peak Displacement Edit Box:
This edit box contains the Peak Displacement number. When the dialog box is first opened, and if the event window is displaying displacement data and the Sensor Sensitivity is known, WinQuake will fill in this field from the event window used to open the dialog box. The number is calculated based on the Sensor Sensitivity number in the event file header and the Peak A/D Counts.This edit box will be updated if the Ml, Ms, or Mb magnitude is changed. The calculation will be based on the new magnitude and the current event to station distance.
Peak A/D Counts Edit Box:
The A/D counts number is set to the peak counts in the event window view (not the whole event file) or the location of the Mb or Ml / Ms magnitude marker when the dialog box is first open.Sensor Sensitivity Edit Box:
This edit box contains the sensor sensitivity number, if available in the event file header. This number can be calculated based on peak displacement and A/D counts or event magnitude, peak displacement and peak A/D counts.Magnitude Correction Edit Box:
This edit box contains the sensor Magnitude Correction number, if available in the event file header. This number can be calculated based on event magnitude and peak A/D counts.Event Distance Information Group:
Then the dialog box is first opened, WinQuake will fill in these fields from the current event to station distance based on the location of the P and S markers in the event window used to open the dialog box. If one of the Event Distance edit boxes is modified the other edit boxes will be updated with the new distance information.The Ml -log A0 Correction number displays the current Ml correction number based on the station to event distance. This is the formula used to calculate Ml magnitude:
Ml = log(A) + A0_Correction where A = displacement in millimeters.
Magnitude Information:
This group displays the Ml, Mb and Ms magnitudes based on the Sensor Sensitivity number, peak A/D counts and event to station distance or Magnitude Correction number, peak A/D Counts, and distance. The Ml, Mb and Ms edit boxes on the left are based on the Sensor Sensitivity number and the boxes on the right display the magnitudes based on the Magnitude Correction number.Mb and Ms Period Edit Boxes and Buttons:
These edit boxes and corresponding buttons control the period used for MS and Mb magnitude calculation. The period can be enter manually using the edit boxes or calculated using the Ms or Mb Period button. See How WinQuake Calculates Magnitude for more information.Calculate Button:
When this button is pressed, WinQuake will recalculate any fields it can based on the information supplied by the user.Clear Button:
Clears all of the edit boxes.Reset Button:
Resets all of the fields to their initial value.Close Button:
Closes the dialog box.Help Button:
Opens the help page for the dialog box.
This dialog box is used to display information on what filters have been applied to the dataset and if the dataset has been integrated.
Close Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The filter abbreviations are:
This dialog box is used to display STA (Short Term Averaging) / LTA (Long Term Averaging) ratio information of the current selected event window. This information can be used to help set the event trigger information in WinSDR or SDR. Please see the STA/LTA WinSDR documentation for more information on STA/LTA event triggering. This dialog box is modeless, meaning that you can do other things within WinQuake while this dialog box is open.
STA Time Edit Box:
LTA Time Edit Box:
Ratio Filter:
Ratio Display List Box:
Calculate Button:
Save File Button:
Help Button:
Close Button:
Maximum Ratio Text:
This dialog box controls what additional phases will be displayed when the Display Phases feature is enabled. WinQuake maintains two sets of additional phase names, one is for the JB travel-time tables and the other is for the IASP91 tables. The IASP91 Phases check box is used to switch between the two sets of names.
Selected Phases File Text:
Selected Phases List Box:
Remove Button:
Select From File Text:
Select From List Box:
Add Button:
IASP91 Phases:
JB Tables Directory Text:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box displays the time of origin of the event, based on the location of the P and S markers, and the different phase times. Additional phases can be displayed by adding them to the Selected Phases list box in the Phase Control dialog box. The third column is the time difference in seconds between the origin time and the phase arrival time. This dialog box is modeless, meaning that you can do other things within WinQuake while this dialog box is open. As an example, if you move the P or S markers the values in this dialog box will be updated with the new phase information.
Close Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to control various printing options.
Margins Group:
Top Edit Box:
Left Edit Box:
Button Edit Box:
Right Edit Box:
Modes Group:
B/W and Color Radio Buttons:
Portrait and Landscape Radio Buttons:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used to display the RMS (Root Means Square), maximum and minimum values of the event window. The data can be displayed in A/D counts or if known sensor units. The RMS and other values are calculated using the data in the current window view area. This dialog box is modeless, meaning that you can do other things within WinQuake while this dialog box is open. Whenever the X-Scale changes or the window start time changes, the program will recalculate the values based on the new start time or window time length.
Display A/D Counts Check Box:
Sensor Units Check Box:
Close Button:
Help Button:
Used to select a event report. The event report contains information about the earthquake, like location and magnitude, that can be added to the event window and saved in the event file. See Using the Event Report Feature documentation for more information.
Event Report File Text:
Distance to Station Text:
Report Type Select Box:
Report List Box:
Up / Down Control:
Load Report File Button:
Network Report Button:
Historical Lookup Button:
Save on Clipboard Check Box:
Search Button:
Add / Replace Report Button:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
WinQuake requires that the REPORT.DAT file be located in the same directory as the executable (winqk32.exe) for this feature to work. This file contains information on how to parse the event report information.
Used to download event report information over the Internet.
Network Service Group:
List Box:
Add Button:
Del Button:
Save Button:
Historical Button:
Connection Information Group:
Status Text:
Bytes Received Text:
File Information Group:
Name Text:
Directory Text:
Directory Button:
Connect Button:
Close Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The lists of services are saved in a file called NETWORK.DAT. This file must be located in the same directory as the program executable (winqk32.exe or winqk64.exe).
The Historical Data Lookup dialog box is used to enter the start and end dates for the historical database lookup request and to specify a magnitude filter.
Start Date Edit Boxes:
End Date Edit Boxes:
Magnitude Edit Boxes:
Connect Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
This dialog box is opened from the Network Report dialog box when you press the Historical button. This button will be enabled if one of the historical servers is selected in the Network Service list box. Historical servers start with data@... If you use the Historical button in the Event Report dialog box, the Network Services list box in the Network Report dialog box will only list historical services.
Currently there are two historical servers available on the internet that can be used with WinQuake. The PSN server can be accessed using this service: and the backup server at This database of events covers the period 1979 to present. Event data is retrieved once a day, at midnight local time, from the CNSS composite database. See this page for more information Only events larger then or equal to 2.5 are saved in the PSN database.
The other database can be accessed using This database covers the period 7/1999 to present and lists events equal too and larger then 3.0. This database is used by Alan Jones's Seismic-Eruptions program. See for more information on Alan's excellent Seismic-Eruptions and Seismic-Waves programs.
Used to add a new Internet Event Report service URL.
New Network Event Report Service Edit Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
Event report services can be an Internet Web page address in the format http://location/document, FTP location in the format ftp://location/document, or finger command in the format
Web Page Address: (So. Cal Events)
Note: The "(So. Cal Events)" part of the string is the optional comment.
FTP Location: (Northern Cal List)
Finger Command: (World-Wide)
Used to save event files in PSN Binary Type 4, PSN Binary Type 3, PSN Text or SAC Binary formats. Event windows can also be saved as GIF images. The File Save dialog box has been changed to support the Three Component Display and dataset volume features. The dialog box now has three File Name edit boxes, one for each of the records that can be added to the same Event Window or used to save the records in a dataset as individual files. To do this, uncheck the Dataset Volume check box. One other change is the removal of the View Only check box. To crop an event file, use the View / Crop menu items and then save the file(s).
File Name Edit Box:
Long Name Button:
Browse Button:
Save Options Group:
Save Every Nth Data Point Edit Box:
Y-Compression Edit Box:
View Only Check Box:
Invert Data Check Box:
DC Offset Check Box:
Save Data Type Group:
Auto Check Box:
Integer (16 bits) Check Box:
Long (32 bits) Check Box:
Float (4 bytes) Check Box:
Double (8 bytes) Check Box:
Archive Name Group:
Make Button:
Directory Button:
Long File Name Check Box:
Use Event Time:
GIF Settings Button:
Overwrite Message Check Box:
Save Format Select Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Additional Information:
The Archive Name feature of WinQuake is used to normalize event file names and their location on your hard disk. The Directory button is used to set up a root directory where your event files can be placed. After selecting a root directory (this only needs to be done once), event files will be placed in the following directory when you select the Make button:
The drive:\root_directory\ part of the name comes from the drive and directory selected using the Directory button. The \YYMM\ subdirectory is based on the dataset start time year and month.
This dialog box is use to control the size of the GIF image when saving an event window as a GIF file. There is also a check box to correct color problems with the image created by WinQuake.
Height Edit Box:
Width Edit Box:
32k Colors Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box selects which set of P and S wave travel-time table files will be used for regional or local events, and teleseismic or distant events. It also selects which set of tables, either regional, teleseismic JB tables or the IASP91 set of travel-time tables, to use with the event file being displayed. See How WinQuake Calculates Distance for more information.
Regional Group:
P Wave File Text:
P Wave File Change Button:
S Wave File Text:
S Wave File Change Button:
Max Distance Text:
Teleseismic Group:
P Wave File Text:
P Wave File Change Button:
S Wave File Text:
S Wave File Change Button:
Max Distance Text:
Depth Edit Box and Slide Control:
Current Table Group:
Regional Check Box:
Teleseismic Check Box:
IASP91 Check Box:
All Event Files Windows Check Box:
Save as Default Check Box:
Update P & S Location Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This dialog box is used by the Travel-Time Tables dialog box to select either a P or S wave travel-time table file.
File Name Text:
File Name List Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Used to control the X, or time, scale of the event window. By changing the X-Scale you can zoom in or out within the dataset. Zoom in can also be done with the mouse.
Edit Box:
Scroll Bar:
Update and Lock All Event Windows Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
The Y-Scale number, controlled by the Y-Scale dialog box and the vertical scrollbar now specifies the maximum peak counts, volts or sensor units to display. As an example, if the display mode is set to display A/D counts and the Y-Scale is set to 1000, WinQuake will draw a y-grid from 0 to +- 1000 A/D counts. The Y-Scale Display group controls the display mode. The default is A/D counts if the Sensitivity field of the header is 0 and the event file does not have the SensorAmpAtoD data structure ( see above). If the A/D voltage and amplifier gain are specified, the user can select either the voltage seen by the A/D converter or the input to the amplifier if the Amp Volts item is selected.
The current Y-Scale is displayed in the toolbar and in the text portion of the event window. The Y-Scale label can be one of the following: c = counts, v = volts, m = meters or Sensor Unit. If the Y-Scale Display is set to counts, the Y-Scale label can be: "Mc" = megacounts, "kc" = kilocounts, "c" = counts, "mc" = millicounts, "uc" = microcounts and "nc" = nanocounts. If the display mode is set to Amp or A/D Volts, the label can be "nv" = nanovolts, "mv" for millivolts, "v" = volts and "kv" = kilovolts. If the display mode is set to Sensor Units, the label can be "nm" = nanometers, "mm" = millimeters, "cm" = centimeters and "m" = meters.
Y-Scale Dialog Box Other Options Group:
All Records Check Box:
If checked, the new Y-Scale value will be applied to all of the records in the current selected Event Window. This check box will only be enabled if two or three event files are being displayed in the same Event Window. See Three Component Display documentation below for more information.
All Windows Check Box:
If checked, the new Y-Scale value will be applied to all Event Windows. This check box will be enabled when there are two or more open Event Windows.
Display Centimeter Check Box:
If checked, WinQuake will display the cm label when the Y-Scale or sensor data goes between 10.0 mm (millimeters) and 1 meter. If not checked, the label will remain mm until 1 meter is reached.
Use as Default:
If checked, the current Y-Scale value will be used as the Y-Scale for any new event Window. The Use as Default switch and Y-Scale value are saved in the winquake.ini file and will be used again when WinQuake is restarted.
This dialog box is used to control filtering of the dataset in the time domain. The filter applied is a Infinite Impulse Response low or high pass Butterworth filter. The Low-Pass and High-Pass frequency edit boxes can now accept seconds, or the period of the cutoff frequency, as an input. Example: Entering "20 s or 20s" in either filter frequency edit boxes will produce a frequency of 0.05 Hz (1.0 / 20.0).
The Extended Period Filter group is used to control the period extending filter. This type of filter compensates for the 12db roll-off per octave of a sensor like a geophone or Lehman below the period of the sensor.
The user can now create one or more predefined filters. To use this feature, enter the filter parameters in the Butterworth Filter Type group and select the Add button. Enter the name of the filter in the next dialog box. The new filter name should now show up in the filter drop list. Whenever you change the filter drop list, the new filter information will be updated in the Butterworth Filter Type group. The Update button updates the Butterworth Filter Type group with the predefined filter parameters of the currently selected filter drop box. The Remove button removes the current selected predefined filer. Currently there is no way of editing the predefined filter parameters. To change the filter parameters you will need to remove the filter and then use the Add button to re add the filter to the predefined filter list.
Butterworth Filter Group -
Low-Pass Check Box:
If checked, a low-pass filter will be applied to the dataset. Low-Pass Cutoff Freq Edit Box:
Enter the low-pass filter cutoff frequency. Low-Pass Poles Select Box:
Select the number of poles that will be used when filtering the dataset. The number of poles controls the slope of the filter. High-Pass Check Box:
If checked, a high-pass filter will be applied to the dataset. High-Pass Cutoff Freq Edit Box:
Enter the high-pass filter cutoff frequency. High-Pass Poles Select Box:
Select the number of poles that will be used when filtering the dataset. The number of poles controls the slope of the filter.
Extender Period Filter Group -
Enables the period extender filter.Sensor Period:
This is the period of the sensor in seconds ( 1 / Hz ).Sensor Q:
This is the Q of the sensor. Sensors used to record earthquakes are usually setup for a damping factor of .7 (70 %).High-Pass:
The High-Pass filter sets how far the sensor's period should be extended.Backward High-Pass Filter:
Performs another High-Pass filter on the dataset but from the end of the dataset to the beginning. This reverse filter compensates for any phase shifting that happens do to the forward High-Pass filter.
Predefined Filters Group -
Filter Name Drop Box:
Used to select one of the predefined filters.Update Button:
Updates the filter fields with the selected predefined filter.Add Button:
Adds the current filter settings to the predefined filter list.Save Button:
Saved the updated predefined filter to the filter.dat file.Remove Button:
Removes the selected filter from the predefined filter list.
Save as default Check Box:
Apply Now Button:
Undo Filter Button:
Close Button:
Help Button:
Used by the FFT (frequency spectrum) window to filter the event dataset with either a Low-Pass or High-Pass filter. Filtering can be used to remove unwanted noise in the seismogram.
Cutoff Freq Edit Box:
Poles Edit Box:
Save as Default Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
Used by the FFT (frequency spectrum) window to filter the event dataset with either a Bandpass or Notch filter. Filtering can be used to remove unwanted noise in the seismogram.
High-Pass Cutoff Freq Edit Box:
Low-Pass Cutoff Freq Edit Box:
Poles Edit Box:
Save as Default Check Box:
OK Button:
Cancel Button:
Help Button:
This is WinQuake's About dialog box. It displays information like version number, release date and author contact information.
This dialog box is used to register your copy of WinQuake. Please see register.txt for more information on registering your copy of WinQuake.
Registration Status:
Registration Name Edit Box:
Registration Code Edit box:
Register Button:
Registration Information Button:
Close Button:
Help Button:
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